Round Table at CHNT24

The members of the Working Group “Digitale 3D-Rekonstruktion” invite colleagues to participate in the Round Table Visualizing Hypotheses: Practical Handling of Uncertainty in Digital 3D Models at the CHNT Conference, November 4-6 2019 in Vienna.

Submit your abstract via online form!
Deadline for submission extended until July 10, 2019.


Christiane CLADOS, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany
Heike MESSEMER, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany

Keywords: 3D reconstruction, hypothesis visualisation, methods, standards, conventions, cultural heritage

Computer image-based representation and visual computing are rapidly growing in the Cultural Heritage field. Different kinds of visualisations (2D, 3D, still or time-based) act as knowledge encoding and transfer tools in many applications, ranging from research to dissemination of results. All these issues are influenced by the pictorial character of contemporary culture, causing demand for a high level of realism in order to be accepted by wider audience.
Despite this widespread use of Computer Generated Images, there are no common rules and standards for visual language used in cultural heritage representation. The ability to represent the confidence level of geometric 3D modeling in hypothetical reconstructions, different type or level of uncertainty, chronology, as well as ensuring their transparency related to evidence data, archival documents, and conjectural interpretations – these are crucial features of imaging the Past. It’s hard, if not impossible, to achieve these aims without established canon of representation.
If computer-based visualizations are considered to be, according to London Charter, intellectually and technically rigorous tools, then there is a critical need for such consensus on visual language used in the process of creation of CH representations. On the other hand, there are long traditions of graphic standards for visualisation of chronological stratification, also established rules for architectural photography, as well as case studies of already applied solutions, which may be used as starting point for discussion.
The purpose of this session is to pursue efforts of analyzing possible solutions in order to raise effectiveness of knowledge transfer using visual means in the field of cultural heritage. Critical state-of-the-art analyses, solutions proposals, case studies referring to the session subject are welcome.